Fundamental genetics Welcome to your Fundamental genetics 1. New alleles formed as a result of the mutation in the gene can cause protein molecule to, Function more Function less Lose function Gain new function None 2. Which of the following does not contribute to the differences between the individuals of the same species are primarily attributed to Allelic variation Mutations in particular genes Influence of the environment Genetic drift None 3. In WZ pattern of inheritance male parent bear the ZZ pair of chromosomes and female parent bear the WZ pair. True False None 4. Which of the following is not an autosomal disorder? Cystic fibrosis Phenylketonuria Pseudoachondroplasia Red-Green colourblindness None 5. Which of the following is the smallest chromosome in human cell? Y chromosome Chromosome 21 Chromosome 22 Chromosome 20 None 6. How many DNA molecules are present in one chromosome 1/2 1 2 None of the above. None 7. Advantage/s of using bacterial system as a model for genetic studies is /are? Bacteria are fast dividing They take little space to grow They are convenient for mutagenesis All of the above None 8. None 9. Heteromorphic chromosomes are, The chromosomes bearing more than one copy of genes Chromosome pair with non identical chromosomes Stage of the chromosomal structures at the interphase of cell cycle as all the chromosomes are in decondensed state and don’t have any definite shape None of the above None 10. Correct sequence of mitotic division is Prophase - Metaphase - Anaphase - Telophase Anaphase- Prophase - Telophase- Metaphase Metaphase - Telophase - prophase - Anaphase None of the above None Please fill in the comment box below. Time's up