MCQs-Biology-Basics in agricultural biology Welcome to your Basics in agricultural biology 1. Why linolenic acid can not be stored for longer time? Because of the inefficient storage methods Residual impurities affect the quality of the linolenic acid It oxidises rapidly It is highly flammable None 2. Non-sense mutation Premature termination of translation Premature termination transcription Incorporation of chemically different amino acid in a protein None of the above None 3. Missense mutation Leads to formation of different protein Leads to addition of chemically different amino acid in a protein Leads to Change in non coding part of the gene Is because of the misfolding of the protein None 4. What is the scientific name of rice Oryza sativa Triticum aestivum Brassica juncea Vigna radiata None 5. Which of the following is true about the male sterility Male sterile plants never produce any gamete Plant produce infertile male gametes Plants lack female gametes Male and female gametes are infertile None 6. What are mutations? Change in chromatin structures Change in chromatin number Change in the chemical nature of the nitrogenous bases Change in the DNA sequence None 7. Which of the following best describes the reason behind little genetic studies on roots? Roots does not perform essential role in the crop yield Root traits are difficult to breed Roots are located underground limiting its accessibility in order to study the genetic behaviour Roots are genetically not diverse None 8. What is the unit of yield? Kg Kg/ha Kgha Kg/annum None 9. Which of the following category of plants have more evolutionary advantage? Cross pollinating plants, because it helps in creating newer genetic variability Self pollinating plants, because the genome stays uncontaminated with the foreign DNA Vegetatively propagating plants Plants with longer lifespan None 10. Which of the following is true about fatty acids? Fatty acids are present in the cell wall Fatty acid generally contain more than one carboxylic groups Long carbon chain containing acids These are the highly polar acids None 11. What is the harvest index? It is the ratio of the grain yield per unit above ground biomass It is the ratio of grain yield and total plant biomass The ratio of plant biomass to the total grain yield It is the maximum yield produced by a cultivar per unit area None 12. What is IPC International pulse corporation Inter parental crosses Integrated pest control None of the above None 13. Which of the following proteins are involved in the degradation of the other proteins? Ubiquitins Receptor kinases Ion transporters Histone proteins None 14. Which of the following is not the essential trait oil crop improvement? Seed yield Total oil content Early maturity Amino acid content None 15. What is the difference between two way cross and three way cross? Two way cross is performed between two pure lines and three way cross is performed between F1 plants and a pure line Two way cross is made between two F1 plants, three way cross is performed between F1 plants and a pure line Three way cross offers more genetic variability as compared to two way cross Both are same I and III None Please fill in the comment box below. Time's up