Oxidative phosphorylation MCQs

Oxidative phosphorylation MCQs

Whenever we consume food we tend to be ignorant of the fact that it is supposed to fulfil the energy needs of your body rather than satisfy the taste buds. Your body requires enormous amount of energy in the form of ATP to function normally. Because of which it is essential to study the bioenergetics- the biochemistry of the energy metabolism in human body. 

Apart from energy needs reduced metabolites like NADH and NADPH are also important. They are required for the electron transport and synthesis of the biomolecules. Understanding the energy flow and stepwise reduction in the energy of the electron from glucose is essential. The process of oxidation of glucose molecule to emission of CO2 involve series of chemical reaction. 

Majority of glucose oxidation is involved in ATP synthesis through oxidative phosphorylation and ATP synthase complex. The multiple choice questions (MCQ) is good way to test the level of understanding of the glucose oxidation and energy metabolism. Different biological questions needs to be practiced to strengthen your academic profile. 

Your NEXT practice test is on oxidativephosphorylationmcqs

Members of electron transport chain are reversibly oxidised and reduced.

Which of the following mechanism produces ATP

Which of the following is NOT considered as high energy molecule ?

Which of the following is NOT true about anhydride bond in ATP?

Which of the following is true about NAD+?

Lactic acid can be....... to pyruvic acid (fill in the blank )

Which of the following is true about NADP+?

Which of the following process produces ATP by electron transport mechanism

Which of the following is correct?

A phosphate group is attached to AMP by

Practice more question using planetbiologia question series. 

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