Role of water in biology

role of water in biology

Almost 70% of water you take, becomes the part of your body which doesn’t happen with any other consumable. Preliminary evolution has taken place in water making your entire chemistry revolving around water chemistry and aqueous solution. There are no many biological academic  resources which provide biology questions  and multiple choice questions for practice. 

@planetbiologia you get series of quality questions based on primary and advanced level of understanding the biological science. Many important topics like pH, membrane transport, physiology etc. are related to different chemical and physical properties of water. 

Use this question set for advanced level MCQs. We provide the additional type of quiz i.e. picture quiz to test the actual level of understanding of the subject. 

How many average number hydrogen bonds a water molecule at room temperature and atmospheric pressure forms with other water molecules

Which of the following will have high heat of vaporisation?

Which of the atom may lead to greater electric dipole moment?

Which of the following will have high melting point?

Which of the following will have high boiling point?

Which of the following is facilitated by the ability of the membrane to selectively facilitate the passage of the water across?

Ion product of water Kw is determined by?

What is the best thermodynamic explanation about the solubility of the non-polar compounds in the water

Observe the following molecular structure and choose one the following that explains the difference between the boiling point of the molecules.

CH3CH2CH2CH2CH3 b.p. -0.5 C

CH3CH2CH2CH2OH   b.p. 117 C

Which of the following strategy the plant and bacterial cells have to resist the osmotic pressure

Attempt many such quizzes for enrichment and sharpening your biology knowledge.

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