
Spectrophotometer – working principle and solved problems in biology-1

Research in molecular biology has been significantly accelerated by the innovative methodologies of estimation of biomolecules such as spectrophotometer. Therefore it is very much essential to know the quantifiable property of the molecule which can give us numerical value of the amount of the molecules present in the solution and help us in its estimation.

Spectrophotometer – working principle and solved problems in biology-1 Read More »

Spectrophotometer uses specific wavelength to estimate biomolecules concentration.

Arthur Kornberg: A doctor who found a knitting enzyme

During the same time ‘how living organisms reproduce’ was one of the greatest mystery. Avery, MacLeod, and McCarty along with other eminent scientists showed that DNA is THE chemical which transfers the genetic information over the generations and no any other molecule in 1944 but no one knew if the DNA is made by any enzyme. It was also known from the contribution of Erwin Chargaff that amount of adenine always equalled to that of thymine and amount of guanine always equalled to the amount of cytosine in any DNA sample. After knowing the DNA is a genetic material, ‘how DNA is made’ was still a mystery. No one had a clue how the DNA is made. 

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DNA pol

Catalysis: a chemical bedrock of biology

There are synthetic or inorganic and biological catalysts. Enzymes are biologically most important catalysis. They are extraordinarily better than synthetic or inorganic catalysts in terms of their specificity and the environment in which they can function. According to some scientists catalysis is second most crucial aspect of life after the ability of the cells to reproduce and produce the replica.

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Catalysis helps reduce the energy and time of reaction

Activation energy (Ea) of reactions

EVERY REACTION needs an input of the certain amount of energy for the activation of the reaction. Hence that certain amount of energy required for a particular reaction is called as an ACTIVATION  ENERGY. And the state at which the bonds have highest amount of energy, are highly unstable and prone to breakage is called as TRANSITION STATE of the reaction.  

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Catalysis manifests by reducing activation energy and thereby reducing total time of reaction producing required amount of the metabolite.

Photosynthesis: embedding sunlight in the food

Photosynthesis is defined as the synthesis of carbohydrate that reduces and fixes atmospheric CO2 by using the energy from electromagnetic radiations from visible spectrum of the sun. The process take place in plant leaves, in a specialised organelle called chloroplast. They are named so because they contain the chlorophyll, the pigment that has the special power of capturing the energy of sunlight for all of us.

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Carbon and energy metabolism
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